CLOSENESS – Documentary movie premiere, photography exhibition and discussion panel

Locale : 19h30
Paris : 08h30
Alliance Française de Suva 20 Desvoeux road, Suva, FJ

Film Premiere of Closeness

An exclusive film documentary produced by Alliance Française de Suva and directed by german filmmaker Tom Vierus.

Embark on a unique journey between Suva (Viti Levu island) and Savusavu (Vanua Levu island) on the Lomaiviti Princess ferry boat, that all Fijians use to go around the archipelago. During this night trip between the two main islands, hear the stories of Ana (social woker), Eberhard (researcher) and Zen (musician), and their visions of closeness.


Photography exhibition by Tom Vierus


Discussion panel: « Get the islands close together »

Speakers: Tammy Tabe (USP researcher, specialist in topics related to place and space and migrations/mobilities within the Pacific region), Patrick Morgam (CEO at Empower Pacific social services NGO), Tevita Tobeyaweni (professional dancer and director/choreographer of Mata dance group), representative of the Ministry of tourism and transports
Mediator: Fenton Lutunatabua (Storyteller and environment activist)