« Biotopies. Manières d’être vivant »

- 11/06/2024
- Locale : 14h00
Paris : 14h00 - Institut français Berlin - Maison de France Kurfürstendamm 211, 10719 Berlin, DE
- Allemagne
- french / english
- https://www.institutfrancais.de/fr/berlin/event/la-nuit-des-idees-2024-berlin-25087#/
Living as a bird, writing like an octopus, being diplomatic with wolves, dreaming with bears, listening to plants, cooperating with beavers… And in so doing, deconstructing the logic of domination, rethinking agriculture and livestock farming and, more broadly, our societies, inventing new ways of moving around, living in territories, living together – in short, nurturing the democratic ideal of living thoughts. The Night of Ideas 2024 will be an opportunity to question our ways of being alive, in our relationship with the earth and those who inhabit it.
On 11 June, we invite the public to come and talk to inspiring personalities, philosophers, artists, scientists, activists, creators and enthusiasts, and to join us in dreaming up models for a world in which we would like to live.
The Nuit des idées 2024, entitled ‘Biotopies. Manières d’être vivant’ is conceived as an interdisciplinary festival with a multitude of creative formats. On the programme: performances, round tables, a living library, exhibitions, workshops, cinema and much more!
The rich and colourful programme will run from 2pm until midnight. All those who are interested and would like to find out more are cordially invited!
Interpreting in German and French.
With, among others: Camille de Toledo, Joséphine Auffray, Fleur Daugey, Demestri+Lefeuvre, Justine Eckhaut, Bastien Fond, Cécile Gaudard, Kira Geadah, Sara Gouzy, Lukas Jüliger, Isabel Pin, Vipulan Puvaneswaran, Pit Terjung, Carolin Weh, Elisabeth Weydt, and our guests from the Living Library!
‘Growing villages’: As part of an architectural ideas competition launched in 2023, architects, designers and artists have been invited to imagine the village of today, and even the village of tomorrow.
‘Damals der Dodo, vom Aussterben und Überleben der Arten’: Illustrations by the Franco-German author and illustrator Isabel Pin.
From 5.00 pm to 9.00 pm
Scientists, artists, experts, authors, people working in the field… they all have experiences and ideas to share in order to change our relationship with the environment.
ideas for changing our relationship with living things. Borrow one of our living books for a 15-minute conversation! Over the course of the evening, you’ll be able to ‘borrow’ a climate fiction author, a publisher specialising in nature writing, a committed geo-ecologist, a vet-illustrator, a specialist in raccoons, a children’s book author, a researcher specialising in voodoo in Benin, artists involved in a project to represent living things through a parliament of organisms, an animal photographer, an aphid from the Organismendemokratie collective, a landscape gardener… and much more besides. … and many more… With, among others: Cécile Gaudard, Didier Houénoudé, Marc-W. Kohfink, Andreas Rötzer, Juliana Schlaberg, Georg Reinhardt, Aliénor Dauchez, Christine Jakoby, Marco Papajewski, Amandine Visine…
2.00-2.45pm: film ‘Démocraties animales’, by Emma Baus
Who decides where to build a nest? Who decides whether hunting should continue or be stopped? Filmed in Europe and Africa, in sumptuous animal reserves, ‘Animal Democracies’ shows the behaviour of species that give each individual the chance to express themselves for the good of their community. For children aged 8 and over. FR
15.00-16.00: Workshop: Perspective on human-induced environmental change
Workshop presented by the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and led by Julia Tovote. For teenagers and adults DE
16:00-17:00: Cinéma d’images: ‘Damals der Dodo’ with Isabel Pin
A bilingual reading in images from the book ‘Damals der Dodo. vom Aussterben und Überleben der Arten’. Around a projection of her illustrations, author and illustrator Isabel Pin will recount and evoke the exotic animal of the dodo. For children aged 8 and over. FR/DE
From 5.00 pm: VR selection
Two virtual reality works to discover: ‘Biolum’ and ‘On a marché sur la terre’.
6.00 pm: Performance ‘Troisième Nature’ by DEMESTRI+LEFEUVRE
7.00 pm: Opening of the Night of Ideas by Camille de Toledo FR/DE
7.30pm: Discussion ‘Linking climate commitment and democracy’ with Kira Geadah, Vipulan Puvaneswaran, Pit Terjung FR/DE
8.30pm: Presentation of the ‘Growing Villages’ exhibition with Cécile Gaudard FR
8.30pm: Film ‘Le Règne animal’ / ‘Animalia’ by Thomas Cayllet at Cinema Paris (free) OmU
8.30pm: Fireworks of ideas with Aliénor Dauchez, Sophie Engel, Adrien Missika, Amandine Visine, Frank Weigand FR/DE
9.10pm: Inspiring examples accompanied by live drawing ‘The intelligence of plants’ with Fleur Daugey and Lukas Jüliger FR/DE
9.10pm: Augmented reality performance ‘Choreographic Plant Room’ by the artist collective reVerb with dancer and choreographer Joséphine Auffray
9.30pm: Inspirational example accompanied by live drawing ‘Diplomatie du raton-laveur’ with Carolin Weh and Pierre Alexis FR/DE
9.50pm: Discussion on ‘Living together in harmony with nature’ with Camille de Toledo, Elisabeth Weydt and Bastien Fond FR/DE
10.20 pm: Augmented reality performance ‘Choreographic Plant Room’ by the artist collective reVerb with dancer and choreographer Joséphine Auffray
11.00-11.30pm: ‘Birdsong’ singing concert with piano accompaniment by mezzo-soprano Sara Gouzy accompanied by pianist Justine Eckhaut