Solitary or united?
The ideal of universal fraternity, included in the republican motto, needs to be all the more affirmed and better thought out as reality constantly denies it. The current health crisis is a reminder of how precious - and possibly perilous - proximity is. The Internet leads to digital promiscuity that makes all information a "viral" phenomenon, potentially harmful. Doesn't racism and terrorism, on the other hand, change the values attached to the notions of community and belonging? Does not the individualism of the consumer society and the neo-liberal "every man for himself" increasingly make the idea of neighbour appear as a mythological curiosity?
These questions will be raised in a debate involving representatives of the social sciences, communication, moral theology and philosophy.
The project runs over 3 days, from 28 to 30 January.
The final debate will take place on 30 January, between 6 and 10 pm.
Moderator: Cristina Robalo-Cordeiro, University of Coimbra, President of the Alliance Française de Coimbra
Speakers :
- Dominique Wolton, communication sociologist
- Didier Fassin, epidemiologist, doctor without borders
- Khireddine Mourad, Moroccan poet and philosopher
- Cláudia Pato de Carvalho, Researcher at the Centre for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra
- Dina Sebastião, Professor at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (European Studies)