Registrar las memorias de la amazonia

- 29/01/2021
- Local : 18h00
Paris : 00h00 - Alliance Française de Quito Eloy Alfaro N32-468 y Belgica Quito, Quito, EC
- Ecuador
- Spanish
A round table in virtual format, exploring the different processes of digital data collection in favour of the preservation of cultural memory in the Amazon. The interventions that will take place during this meeting testify to the experiences as well as the commitment of several professionals who work to make visible and strengthen the cultural processes that take place in the heart of the Amazon.
- Lucía Durán: Director of the Casa del Alabado Precolombino Art Museum.
- Tawna Company of cinema production from the Ecuadorian Amazonian territory.
- Misha Vallejo Ecuadorian-Israeli audiovisual artist and narrator.
- Maria Fabiana Bugliani Doctor of Anthropology from the Universidad Nacional de la Plata in Argentina.
- Elena Galvéz Historian of the UNAM specialized in the cultural history of Amazonia during the 20th century. She is also coordinator of Archivo Visual Amazónico.
With the participation of the Alliance Française de Quito, the Casa de Alabado Museum in Ecuador and the French Institute of Argentina.