Close: Connecting the Imaginations

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 7:00 pm
Paris: 7:00 pm - Museum of Arts and Crafts (online)
- France
- French
For the 6th edition of the Night of Ideas organized by the Institut français partout le monde on January 28th, the Musée des Arts et Métiers is partnering with the Arts & Sciences Chair, in conjunction with the Leonardo da Vinci Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, the Centre Pompidou in Paris and Concordia University in Montreal. This original online evening offers two original international meetings presenting the backstage of revolutionary inventions and prospective creations.
In these times of confinement, how can we stay close despite the distance? From Leonardo da Vinci and Clément Ader's dreams of flight to the conception of new ways of making images, the means of communication and the backstage of research-creation will engage our imaginations in dialogue and weave the thread of this evening designed to anchor our presence at a distance.
From Milan to Paris and all the way to Montreal, the exchanges will take place live with interventions by curators, artists, designers and researchers, an event to be followed on the museum's Youtube channel.
The evening is hosted by Daniel Fiévet, a science journalist.
19h00 - 19h10 Introduction
Cynthia Fleury, philosopher and psychoanalyst, professor holding the "Humanities and Health" chair at the Conservatoire national des arts et métiers.
19h10 - 20h00 Dreams of flight, from Leonardo da Vinci to Clément Ader
Dialogue between Lionel Dufaux, head of the Transport and Energy collections at the Musée des Arts et Métiers and Claudio Giorgione, curator of the "Leonardo da Vinci, Art and Science" department at the Museo Nazionale della Scienza e della Tecnologia Leonardo da Vinci in Milan.
Suspended in the main staircase of the Musée des Arts et Métiers, Clément Ader's Avion n°3, a wood and silk "bat", is a true inspiration from Nature. Leonardo da Vinci himself had followed a similar approach, as shown by the models presented in the new galleries of the Milan museum. These two geniuses of the Renaissance and the nineteenth century address multiple disciplinary fields that will be revealed during the dialogue between Lionel Dufaux and Claudio Giorgione. Like Leonardo da Vinci, who studied several ways of flying and handed down to posterity a very accomplished research, Clément Ader, with the first motorized take-off, remains a central figure of the era of the pioneers of aviation. At the end of the sequence, the two conservatives will ask themselves the following question: Did Ader know about the work of Leonardo da Vinci?
The dialogue is available in French and in Italian .
8:00 - 8:05 pm: Great inventions are priceless.
8.05 - 8.20 pm: Dialogue around Caselli's pantelegraph, autograph electric telegraph
20:20 - 21:50 Retake of shots
Networked device for discussing and experimenting with an image ecology capable of bringing us closer together.
A French-Canadian research-creation collective proposes a distributed, transatlantic, multi-site, networked and relayed device to question and practice, from an environmental and societal perspective, the materiality of images and interfaces that can bring us closer, with, entirely accessible via the web and social networks: interventions and a debate staged at the Musée des Arts et Métiers (Paris) and Concordia University (Montreal), an original visit to an exhibition - "Matières d'image" at the Festival Hors Pistes, at the Centre Pompidou (Paris) -, and the discovery of research-creation practices at the Biolab of the Institut Milieux (Concordia University).
9.50 pm - 10.00 pm Closing of the evening at the Musée des Arts et Métiers.
10:00 pm - Midnight The exchanges of views continue on the page of the Centre Pompidou's Festival Hors Pistes(
Resumption of shots : an event produced with the support of the Musée des Arts et Métiers, the Centre Georges Pompidou (Paris), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), the Arts and Sciences Chair of the École Polytechnique, the École des Arts Décoratifs - PSL and the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, d'Hexagram - International Network for Research-Creation in Arts, Culture and Technology, the Milieux Institute for Arts, Culture and Technology at Concordia University and EnsadLab, the research laboratory of the School of Decorative Arts.