Close and creative through giving and links in the heart of the territories

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 6:00 pm
Paris: 6:00 pm - Internet conference since the Civic Pact and the University Toulouse Capitole
- France
- French
A conference debate by zoom organized from the University of Toulouse- Capitole by theUniversity of Toulouse- Capitole (Pascal Roggero: professor of sociology), and the Civic Pact (Georges Dhers: doctor in economics, researcher in local development, trainer in the DU "become actor and facilitator of the transition"), in partnership with AG2R. The theme concerns the importance of giving and the creation of proximity links to develop a resilient economy that respects ecosystems.
Moderator: Georges Dhers, head of the Pacte Civique de Toulouse collective.
Introduction: Pascal Roggero: the role of donation in the context of territorial ecosystems.
Alain Caillé: Emeritus professor of sociology at the University of Paris Ouest Nanterre, founder of the review du Mauss (anti-utilitarian movement in the social sciences). Co-creator of the convivialist movement, he has enabled a transdisciplinary approach to the work of marcel Mauss and the paradigm of giving.
Jean-Baptiste de Foucauld: former plan commissioner, founder of the Civic Pact, of Solidarités nouvelles face au chômage, and of Démocratie et spiritualité.
Jean-François le Guillou: President of Actypoles-Thiers and administrator of the association "Territoires zéro chômeur de longue durée" (Territories with zero long-term unemployment).
Jean-Francois Noubel: researcher in intelligence gathering. He theorizes the economics of giving.(video)
Tristan Hauck: Director of Partnerships: AG2R LA MONDIALE
Conclusion: G. Dhers and P.Roggero