Close: Reconciliation Work Through Architecture in Canada's Aboriginal Communities

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 9:00 pm
Paris: 9:00 pm - Centre Culturel Canadien 130 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré - 75008, Paris, FR
- France
- French
While there are many ways to hear the theme of the 6th edition of the Night of Ideas, it is through the rapprochement of cultures and in particular through reconciliation with Canada's Aboriginal peoples that the Canadian Cultural Centre invites you to explore this theme.
The relationship between the Aboriginal peoples of Canada and the rest of the population has long been nourished by misunderstanding, mistrust and a desire to assimilate these populations whose way of life, wisdom and spirituality were ignored or even denigrated.
Indigenous peoples have suffered many injustices. Emblematic of these, the "Indian residential schools", which aimed to "kill the Indian in the child", were places of violence and humiliation that have had profound after-effects. The identity of indigenous peoples was lastingly damaged as a result.
From 2007 to 2015, a Truth and Reconciliation Commission, established by the Canadian government, worked to increase public awareness of the reality of the treatment of Aboriginal peoples and to recognize the injustices suffered. Reconciliation is a long-term process that is taking place in all areas of community life, as evidenced by the 94 "calls to action" that emerged from the Commission's work.
The architecture of the community's buildings is also being reconciled. Although rooted in a territory, many indigenous people had a nomadic lifestyle. This way of life was ended with the setting aside of the reserve. Forced sedentarization and government-provided housing have become a symbol of this domination. Today, innovative architects are putting this respectful dialogue with indigenous communities at the heart of their practice.
We invite you to meet Maya Cousineau Mollen and Roxanne Gauthier: two women who, hand in hand, are working to restore the dignity to which Aboriginal peoples are entitled through architecture.
Visit the Facebook page of the Canadian Cultural Centre on Thursday, January 28th at 9pm.
Speakers' biographies :
Maya Cousineau Mollen
Innu from Ekuanitshit (Mingan), Maya Cousineau Mollen was adopted in the traditional way by a Quebec family chosen by her biological mother. Granddaughter of the famous Jack Monoloy, she has been writing poetry since the age of fourteen. In 2007, she participated in an early-career Aboriginal writer's residency in Banff. She then published in Moebius and Exit magazines, as well as in the Languages of Our Land and Amun collectives. Fundamentally committed, particularly to the cause of Aboriginal women, she founded the Native Student Association of Laval University and worked for the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women and Girls. She was also involved in the Kanata case, and was co-chair of the NETWORK for the Urban Strategy of the Aboriginal Community in Montreal. Since 2017, she has been a community development consultant for the firm EVOQ Architecture. The fruit of several years of writing, her first collection of poetry, Bréviaire du matricule 082, was published in 2019 by Éditions Hannenorak and was a finalist for the Indigenous Voices Awards 2020. Calmly enraged, her poetry sings of Aboriginal femininity and resonates with Innu identity in the territory of Montreal/Muliats/Tio'tia:ke.
Roxanne Gauthier
Roxanne Gauthier graduated with honours from McGill University's School of Architecture in 2005. She joined the EVOQ Architecture team in 2006 and was named partner in 2017. She is involved in the main areas of expertise of Heritage Conservation and First Nations. While she is recognized for her expertise in planning and project management, she also has strong technical skills and extensive experience in design and construction. Her exemplary rigour and sustained involvement in the projects entrusted to her are appreciated by her colleagues and partners.
Roxanne distinguishes herself through her organizational skills and positive leadership. She is a LEED® Green Associate and has established and leads EVOQ's Sustainable Development Committee. The objectives of this committee are to reduce the environmental impact of our operations while supporting our growth and promoting innovative and eco-responsible business practices.