Close (in the pandemic). Panel of the Chair of Philosophy of the Hôtel Dieu (Paris)

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 8:00 pm
Paris: 8:00 pm - Hôpital Hôtel Dieu Paris salle Curie 1 parvis Notre Dame 75 004, Paris, FR
- France
- French
The Chair of Philosophy at the Hôtel Dieu is taking up the theme of the Night of Ideas 2021, "Close", by applying it to the current pandemic and its extremely diverse consequences. How has the relationship with loved ones, proximity, been impacted by the pandemic, which has in varying degrees transformed, weakened and sometimes strengthened it? How has care itself been called into question, and how has it responded to it? This panel will be made up of three 40-minute sessions, in which a caregiver and a speaker from the social sciences and humanities will each speak in turn before discussing together and with the public.
1. The pandemic first raised the question of health care contact. How do you approach a sick person? Whether it is in town medicine or in the hospital, in nursing or medical care: what has the pandemic changed in terms of medical contacts? How to be in contact with patients despite fear? What solutions and limits in telemedicine?
With Jean-Christophe Weber (internist doctor, CHRU Strasbourg) and Nathalie Zaccaï-Reyners (sociologist, FNRS, Brussels).
2. The pandemic also poses a risk of contagion to relatives and friends. How to welcome relatives in the services? Including funeral rites. What are the consequences of a possible lack of contact with relatives? What does "close relatives" mean here, and the fact of being faced with an impassable physical barrier, which should not prevent one from being "close" despite the distance, but is nonetheless crucial? Proximity is here rematerialized, brought back to a question of measurable distance (am I in the room of my "close one" or kept out of it?).
With Armelle Hellier (geriatrician, Rotschild Hospital AP-HP) and Martin Dumont (philosopher, UPEC / Chair of Philosophy at the Hôtel Dieu).
3. Finally, the pandemic raises the question of social contact. How do we continue to be connected, to be close, when "social distancing" becomes the rule? When each person close to us could be a threat, when I am a threat to them as well? When others are always in danger of being too close, when I am far away from my loved ones and we have to negotiate how we approach each other? Work, social and family life, friendship and seduction are upset.
With Frédéric Worms (philosopher, ENS) and Hélène L'Heuillet (psychoanalyst and philosopher, Sorbonne University).
In the Salle Curie for ten people who would like to attend (book by email : ; to be followed live via the Facebook site of the Chair of Philosophy of the Hôtel Dieu ; and on zoom : Meeting ID : 969 6022 1870 Secret code : 654489
Organisation: Martin Dumont (UPEC / Chaire de philosophie de l'Hôtel Dieu),