Close: to oneself, to ours, to others

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 6:00 pm
Paris: 5:00 pm - Institut français de Grèce 31 rue Sina, Athens, GR
- Greece
- French / Greek
Digital event on and the social networking sites of the'IFG
#Nightshade Ideas, #ΝύχταΙδεών2021, #IFGdirect
Commissioner of the Night of Ideas in Greece: Nadia Sartawi, Cultural Attaché of the French Embassy Simultaneous translation
During an exceptional evening that will take place on Thursday, January 28, 2021, the French Institute of Greece invites you to the 8th edition of the Night of Ideas, which will take place around the theme "Close".
Is the close one always... further away? While economic globalization has abolished many borders, while the digital revolution creates endless opportunities for encounters and exchanges, it is difficult to resist the feeling of a divestment or, at least, of a vast recomposition, which goes from the most intimate space - love, the couple, the family - to the broadest field of friendly, professional, social relations, relations between States.
For the first time, the Night of Ideas allows us to hear testimonies from neighbouring countries. This approach is based on the hypothesis that, beyond the particularities, differences, and even conflicts that, in each of the spheres considered, often give rise to this "close stranger", this figure of otherness that seems to constitute the impassable horizon of our actions, common concerns are expressed, and that there is room for fruitful dialogue and the search for convergences within each of the human communities and between them.
The 2021 edition of the Night of Ideas is unprecedented. At a time when the vast majority of states and human beings have been, are or will be confronted with the constraints of confinement or curfew, it invites us to question the very nature of our relations with each other. And if the pandemic, in spite of the anguish it causes, in spite of the isolation to which it forces us, in spite of the fear of the other that it engenders, was also an incredible opportunity to try to repair the sensitive, fraternal, friendly, political link, that beyond our individualism, our particularisms, our nosirentism, we know that it is essential to look at the future of our species and our planet in solidarity.
The 2021 edition of the Night of Ideas in Greece is coordinated by the writer, author of cultural radio documentaries and journalist Yorgos Archimandritis.
Join us on the IFG website from 6:00 pm to listen to those who advance ideas, and throughout the night share with us testimonials and performances by artists.
6:00 p.m.: "Dialogue across the Sea"
Greece - Turkey: Turning 18 in Athens and Istanbul: Simultaneous broadcast worldwide on the platform of the French Institute (Paris)
Covid generation? A youth constrained in its desires, representations and perspectives. Challenges and hopes of a generation. Confinement and curfews disrupt relationships in the emotional and social field. Eclipse of personal relationships and employment prospects; family units tested by isolation in cramped spaces.
In the current geopolitical context of the Eastern Mediterranean, the French Institutes of Greece and Turkey intend to engage in dialogue, by videoconference and live (broadcast on the entire French network), eight young Greeks and Turks who, for three-quarters of an hour, will testify about their experiences of confinement, their expectations, their commitments, their hopes and their visions of tomorrow's world.
Moderator: Caroline Gillet, producer of the programme 'Foule Continentale' on France Inter, author of podcasts and a book for 'Actes Sud' and director of the film 'Les mères intérieures'.
With the participation of writer-philosopher Brigitte Labbé.
7:00pm: Jul's "50 Shades of Greek": "Out of the Box" episode.
7:05 pm: Major interview with Bruno PATINO , Chairman of the Board of Arte France and Director of the School of Journalism at Sciences Po Paris, conducted by Yorgos Archimandritis, on the digital world and its impact on the relationship between the individual and his environment.
7:45 p.m.: Jul's "50 Shades of Greek": Episode "Greek-Pride"
19h50 : " Pierre et Gilles : l'Homme en question ": podcast with the visual artist couple Pierre et Gilles, conceived and directed by Yorgos Archimandritis.
8:00 pm: Interview with Irène JACOB, interpreter, among others, of " La double vie de Véronique ", conducted by Yorgos Archimandritis.
With the support of theEmbassy of Greeceèthis in France.
20h10 : Round Table: Men, women: so close, so far away!
Men and women, dedicated to love, friendship and cohabitation in the family, social and professional spheres. So close through the species but made so distant by a cultural construction from the depths of the ages, which establishes the superiority of the male as the foundation of the civil and political, economic and social, moral and religious order. Trap of a single model that organizes the inferiority of women and locks men into the postulate of a virility based on strength, competition and heterosexuality.
Return to the factory, from an early age, of gender stereotypes and traditional assignments. The injunctions of power and performance enshrine a virile order. At the time of the #MeToo, which has revived the question of seduction, consent and sexual violence, man is confronted with his privileges and exposed to his contradictions, having led the fights for freedom and rights, but omitted those that undermine his supremacy.
How does the women's emancipation movement contribute to changing representations, both in the field of love and in that of social transformations of the family (traditional, nuclear, single-parent, blended, homoparental)? How does the fight for equal rights and representations change parental models? Are other models of men possible and compatible with women's rights? Can male and female models be made closer?
Olivia GAZALÉ, professor of philosophy, co-founder of the Mardis de la philo. Author of Le Mythe de la virilité : unpiège pour les deux sexes (Robert Laffont, 2017).
Alexandre LACROIX, writer, philosopher, journalist and director of "Philosophie magazine", author of the autobiographical novel "La naissance d'un père".
Theofano PAPAZISSI, Professor Emeritus of Law at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, pillar of the law on the creation of PACS in Greece.
Nikos PANAYOTOPOULOS, Professor of Sociology at the University of Athens.
Moderator: Muriel Maalouf, culture journalist and theatre critic at RFI
9:25 P.M.: Jul's "50 Shades of Greek": Episode "#myth-too"
9:30 pm: Interview with Barbara CASSIN, philosopher, Hellenist, member of the French Academy, conducted by Yorgos Archimandriti
With the support oftheGreekEmbassyin France.
21h40 : Round table : #Stay home!?
The health crisis has already profoundly, and possibly permanently, changed social relations. Everywhere, gestures of solidarity and mutual aid, the awareness of a threat to the most fragile. Here, courageous decisions to come to the aid of those weakened by the crisis. There, withdrawal into oneself, into the selfishness of an individual, a group, a nation. This crisis questions our systems of production, distribution, the value of our systems of representation, the forms of living together and even our self-awareness.
"This injunction, like a house arrest, now sets the pace of our lives as the pandemic evolves. By its very nature, "social" distancing raises social and even psychological barriers.
What if, under the guise of a health emergency, the precautionary principle turned into a principle of suspicion? How does this crisis aggravate the disqualification of public speech? Fake news and simplifications, delegitimization of expertise, narrowing of the conditions of debate in the public space... When health or safety issues are turning the cards and attitudes to freedom upside down. How can one remain vigilant, resist the conspiracy professionals who thrive on social networks, maintain one's free will and give oneself the means to form one's judgment? How to remain right?
Nathalie HEINICH, Sociologist, Research Director at the CNRS. Author of Des valeurs. Une approche sociologique (Gallimard, 2017).
Fotini TSALIKOGLOU, Professor of Psychology at Panteion University, writer, essayist.
Vassilis KARAPOSTOLIS, Professor of Philosophy of Communication and Culture at the University of Athens.
Moderator: Agnès Levallois, journalist and consultant.
10:40 p.m.: Jul's "50 Shades of Greek": Episode "Make Greek Mythology Again"
10:45 pm: Jul, press cartoonist and author of comic strips, notably Lucky Luke, presents live from theTheo Angelopoulos Auditorium his drawings inspired by the themes of the Night of Ideas in Greece.
10:50 pm: Actress Irene Jacob reads excerpts from her book " BigBang".
With the support oftheGreekEmbassyin France.
About the Night of Ideas
Created to celebrate the circulation of ideas and knowledge, at the initiative of the network of French Institutes around the world, the Night of Ideas is an invitation to share and discover knowledge. The event aims to exchange in all fields in an accessible and festive form, where the issues of our time can be placed in the crossfire of philosophical reflection, scientific knowledge, artistic practices and literary experiences.
Event organized in partnership with the Institut français of Paris.
More information and full programme soon on
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