Brazilian Ideas Night in Porto Alegre - Crossing the border: Brazil and Uruguay.

Event recorded on the set of the regional channel TVE RS in duplex with Uruguay and broadcast by it and by FM Cultura.
Table 1: Cross-border cultural identities.
Xadalu: urban visual artist who values Guaraní art and culture.
Lorena Maia Resende: researcher in architecture and urban planning
Fabián Severo: Uruguayan writer
Live music : Adriana Deffenti
Table 2: The challenges of the digital world.
Leonel Furtado Paes: Information Science Researcher and Director of Go On
Rafael Prikladnicki: Professor at Tecnopuc
Leandro Folgar, President of Plano Ceibal
Live music : Valéria Barcellos
Table 3 - Health and proximity.
Mara Gomes, Psychologist at UFRGS
Mauricio Bagarollo, Doctor, founder of Doutorzinhos
Virginia Rial Ferreira, Anthropologist at UDELAR
Live music: Carlitos Magallanes w/ Ângelo Primon e Diogo Barcelos