Relationship to self and others in the contemporary world

Local: 5:00 pm
Paris: 10:00 am
Institut français de Pékin Guangcai International Mansion, 18 Gongti Xilu, Beijing, CN
French / Chinese

The first edition of the Night of Ideas in China will take place on January 28, 2021 on the theme "Relationship to self and others in the contemporary world".

All the events will take place in a hybrid way, with Chinese speakers physically present and French speakers who will participate remotely, in digital or possibly French speakers living in China.
All consular districts join the French Embassy in China to think together during this long Night of Ideas.

In Beijing, the Night of Ideas will take place at the Institut français de Pékin as follows:

17h: Welcome and Official Inauguration


5:15 - 6:30 pm: Presentation of the 10 titles of the collection "Ados Philosophes" by the Chinese publisher Duku and interactions between budding philosophers and the director of the collection in France, Marie-France Hazebroucq.
(Between 7 and 8:30 pm, a "workshop to think about" will be organized with the association of young philosophers Philosophia at the bookstore Arbre du Voyageur)


18h30-19h: Break - Cocktail
Dance Interlude n°1 made by dance students at Beijing Normal University


7:00 - 8:30 p.m.: "How can the social sciences tell the loved one today? »
Moderated by Florence Padovani, researcher and sinologist, director of the Franco-Chinese centre at Tsinghua University.


  • Laurent Thévenot: sociologist and honorary director of studies at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris, member of the Simmel Centre.
  • Marc Breviglieri: sociologist, associate professor at the Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (Geneva) and researcher at the Centre de Recherche sur l'Espace Sonore et l'Environnement Urbain (CRESSON) in Grenoble.
  • Wang Kun Holder of a Master's degree in French language and literature from the Beijing University of Foreign Languages and a Master's degree in sociology from Sciences Po Paris, Deputy Director of the Faculty of French and Francophone Studies at the Beijing University of Foreign Languages.


From 8:30 pm to 9 pm: Dinner cocktail
Dance Interlude n°2 made by dance students at Beijing Normal University


21h-22h30: "The relationship to oneself and to others in today's world: what can psychoanalysis do? »
Session moderated by Ms. Violaine Liebhart, translator and interpreter of Chinese, having translated all the contributions of the psychoanalysis centre of Chengdu.


  • Elisabeth Roudinesco
    Doctor of Letters and Historians, she was an associate researcher at the History Department of the University of Paris Diderot where she directed theses between 1991 and 2011. Since 2011, her seminar on the history of psychoanalysis has been attached to the History Department of the École normale supérieure (ENS). She is also, and since 2006, President of the International Society for the History of Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis (SIHPP).
  • Monique Lauret
    Psychiatrist, French psychoanalyst, member of the Freudian Psychoanalytical Society (SPF) and of the European Foundation of Psychoanalysis, honorary member of Lapsus of Toledo. She has been transmitting and teaching psychoanalysis in France and Europe for several years and in China since 2011.
  • Luo Zhengjie
    Doctor in psychopathology and psychoanalysis from the University of Paris Diderot, associate researcher at the Centre de Recherche Psychanalyse Médicine et Société (CRPMS) at the University of Paris Diderot, practising analyst at the French association Espace Analytique.
  • Yang Chunguang
    Doctor of Epistemology and History of Science from the University of Paris Diderot, associate researcher at the Centre de Recherche Psychanalyse Médicine et Société (CRPMS) at the University of Paris Diderot. He is also a practising analyst at the French association Espace Analytique and an analyst member of "Convergencia: Lacanian movement for a Freudian psychoanalysis".


From 10:30 pm to 11 pm: Break - Cocktail
Dance Interlude No. 3 made by dance students at Beijing Normal University


11pm: Screening of the film A Triumph
Release in France on January 20, 2021 / 1h 46min / Comedy
By Emmanuel Courcol
With Kad Merad, David Ayala, Lamine Cissokho
The film was part of the Cannes 2020 Official Selection.