La Noche de las Ideas en el Perú

- 28/01/2021
- Local: 5:30 pm
Paris: 11:30 pm - France Volontaires Peru (online), Lima, PE
- Peru
- Spanish
17:30 " Virtualization of volunteering: defying distance " (round table, 60 min)
Juan-Carlos Nieva, Director of Volunteering, Proyecto Especial Bicentenario
Ana Paula Albín, Executive Director of the PROA platform
Sylvie Dumans, President of the organisation Mano A Mano
A representative of the social enterprise El Champal
The team of France Volontaires in Peru invites you, within the framework of the Night of Ideas, to listen, think and give your opinion on volunteering during the pandemic by taking part in our round table "Virtualization of volunteering: defying distance" during which we will look at the changes brought about by volunteering during the year 2020.
During this virtual event, broadcast on our Facebook page, we will discuss with our guests the whole issue of volunteering and reflect on its virtualization. Does virtual volunteering bring us closer or further away from our audiences? Is it a parenthesis or a revolution in the way volunteer work is carried out and implemented?