Fra Jord til (B)ord

Local: 5:00 pm
Paris: 5:00 pm
DOKK1 (Aarhus Central Library) Hack Kampmanns Plads 2, Aarhus, DK

This year's Danish Night of Ideas will address the theme of "close" through the prism of the ecological crisis and its various consequences (including the current health crisis) on social ties, and it is in particular the model of short circuits that will be at the centre of the conversation in 2021, and through it the example of gastronomy - which has been a real craze in Denmark for several years now.

Conceived as a mini marathon of debates filmed in the premises of the central library of Aarhus and broadcast via social networks, this evening will be an opportunity to give the floor to several speakers with different profiles - historian and sociologist, economists, agronomists, entrepreneur and committed farmer - during 2 hours during which the theme of the evening will be discussed under its different aspects.

In conjunction with the debates, a press cartoonist will illustrate the highlights of the conversation.

Moderator: Line Friis Frederiksen (DK) / trained biologist

  • Claus Meyers (DK), co-founder of the restaurant Noma, entrepreneur in the agri-food sector
  • Chris Kjeldsen (DK), Agronomist, University of Aarhus, Department of Agroecology, Farming Systems and Sustainability, Senior Researcher
  • Kristoffer Korshøj (DK), organic farmer, supplier of the Michelin-starred restaurant "Ti Trin Ned".
  • Eric Birlouez (FR), agricultural engineer, sociologist and historian of agriculture and food
  • Frédéric Wallet (FR), research engineer, INRAE/AgroParisTech, Proximity team - economist by training
  • Lars Refn (DK), Chairman of the Danish Association of Press Cartoonists
