Countdown - Time together?

Local: 6:00 pm
Paris: 1:00 am
Paseo de la Reforma 51, Bosque de Chapultepec I Secc, 11100 Ciudad de México, CDMX, Mexico City

20,000 seconds to think about time. The Night of Ideas in Mexico City was all about time, between the urgency of counting down (contra-reloj) and the eternity of thought. In the different spaces of the Tamayo Museum, one of Mexico City's most important contemporary art museums, a series of dialogues, readings, concerts and projections followed one another, around two main axes: a scientific axis (geological time; quantum physics), and a cultural axis (human time). All this within a tight timeframe: a countdown was launched at the start of the evening, and the lights went out precisely after 20,000 seconds.