When will we get paternity leave worthy of the name?

Local: 7:00 pm
Paris: 8:00 pm
37 Rue de Turenne, 75004 Paris, France

As part of Nuit des Idées 2018, join Causette magazine for a discussion on the length of paternity leave in France.

When will France introduce paternity leave worthy of the name?

Today in France, paternity leave does not exceed eleven days and is optional. So little! Although 7 men out of 10 take it, this statistic covers very disparate realities depending on the profession: only 2 self-employed men out of 10 stop when their child is born... And yet there is a wealth of scientific studies proving the benefits of longer paternity leave for the child's development, gender equality and the father's well-being. How can we get the ball rolling? What do men want? What can we learn from the most ambitious European countries on the subject (Sweden, Iceland, Portugal)? How can reform be financed?

Causette invites sociologists, psychologists and... fathers! To debate with you all

FB live broadcast on the facebook page from 7pm: https://www.facebook.com/MaifSocialClub